Fellow Republican David Vitter holds the US House of Representatives seat that Jindal is eyeing.
Chandrasekhar Reddy Komma and Kiran Kumar Allam, two PhD students from India at the Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, were found murdered at their apartment on December 13.
Jindal faces significant challenges as the chief executive of Louisiana, a state which was devastated by hurricans Katrina and Rita.
The Louisiana Democratic Party accused Bobby Jindal of being anti-Protestant.
CMC was the subject of buying on Thursday as the company announced that it has bagged a number of projects worth Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion) including an international order from a Bahraini bank.
Indian-American Governor Bobby Jindal has agreed to allow concealed handguns inside Louisiana's churches, mosques and synagogues, prompting anti-gun violence activists up in arms against the controversial move.
The winners were selected from among the 97 students in 50 states, including 85 high school seniors and 12 high school juniors, who were chosen as state winners in the award programme sponsored by the Siemens Foundation and run by the College Board, which administers the AP programme. The national winners -- a girl and a boy -- are each awarded a $5,000 college scholarship.
"Dr GnanaDev's impact on the care of (patients) is immense," said San Bernardino County Medical Society President Dr Manmohan Nayyar, who nominated GnanaDev for the award.
'Indians have more body fat, less muscle mass...Obesity is more prevalent among vegetarians....' advises Dr Nikhil Dhurandhar.
'The height of irony is that Bobby Jindal will always be known as the first Indian-American Governor, the second Indian-American Congressman and the first Indian-American Presidential candidate, regardless of his claim to be just American. Given the situation in the US, no one will be able to erase his identity in relation to his origin.'
He promised a "New Louisiana" that will be a magnet for the dreamers, the risk-takers, the adventurers, the leaders of America's new economy, Jindal said immediately after being sworn in as Louisiana's 55th governor.
Louisiana's Republican Governor-elect, Piyush 'Bobby' Jindal, has broken his silence over the murders of the two Indian graduate students on the Louisiana State University campus in Baton Rouge last week, and said he hopes the perpetrators of this horrific crime will be brought to justice soon.
As voters in Louisiana begin going to the polls on October 20 to cast their ballot in this Cajun State's gubernatorial primary, front-runner Congressman Piyush 'Bobby'Jindal stands on the verge of creating history by becoming the first even Indian American governor. The most recent polls have shown that Jindal has the support of nearly 50 per cent of the electorate.
His mentor may go up against Jindal.
Cities with a strong presence in health care, education, law, energy, and the government will feel the impact of a downturn less.
The winners of the 60th annual World Press Photo Contest have been announced. The winning shot was taken by Turkish Associated Press photographer called Burhan Ozbilici, with an image he has simply titled An Assassination in Turkey. Showing Mevlut Mert Altintas shouting after shooting Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, at an art gallery in Ankara, Turkey, on December 19 2016.
'The year in pictures' treks across the globe, looking back on the moments that shaped 2016. From the United States presidential race, to demonetisation in India to the refugee crisis, the news has kept pouring in. Here are our top 50 moments from the world.
Readers pick their best and worst actors of 2002